Hi guys! This site is old.I had moved to a new blog.Check out tipztv.blogspot.com for the latest tips


Site open!

Hi guys!

After a hard time,my new site is now open.Check out: Tipztv.blogspot.com for the lastest tips,tricks


Le Hoang
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Site news

Dear readers

I'm currently working on my new blog and the process is good.
With the re-lauch,i plan to give my readers some intersting project so stay tune.
My new tipload.blogspot.com maybe will be available next week.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Le Hoang
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plan to move to a new blog

Dear readers
I'm planning to move to a new blog.but now,i'm very busy with studying so i will build that blog next week.
I has choose a new adress for my site: tipload.blogspot.com.
But at this time,that blog has nothing.i will build it as soon as possible.i promise
Le hoang
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Lock exe files with kaka exelock

If you share your computer with others ( like roommate or your family members...) you may have a few programs that you don't want others to use.Kaka exelock is a perfect software for this situation.
It allows you to password protect executables, so that only those who know the password will be able to run the programs.

This is a very easy to use program as you can see from the picture above.
First,you need to choose your exe file.And then,type the password twice at the password option.
Then hit Protect to lock it.

This is a freeware tool.You can get it here ( it's very tiny,only 190KB)
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Auto compress pictures when you attach them to send

You want to send pictures ( which were taken from your 10-megapixel camera ) to your friends via email or IM client? You know it will take a lot of time,right? So don't wait for the upload process to complete! Use this small tool and send those pics with smaller file size ( without losing your original pics and its quality)

Shrink Pic allows you to send dozens of photos as email attachments - quickly and with no effort at all!
All you need to do is install Shrink Pic. It automatically detects when you're sending large photo files and compresses them in the background.
There's no setup, no operating instructions, nothing, nada. Just send your photos normally and Shrink Pic takes care of shrinking them.
This is how it works;
When Shrink pic is running in your system tray.it will detects and creates a copy ( with smaller size but with the same quality) of your photos automatically and send them instead.
When it works,it will display a warning like this:

Your original photos don't change a bit so you don't need to worry :)
Beside,you can select the compress level of your pics in Shrink pic's UI.
It works great with these software (i think that's enough)

Get it free here ( you will be shown a demo when you installed this software)
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