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Bulk download Flickr’s picture

We all know that Flickr is one of the biggest image hosting in the world.It’s a great source for people to search for image from various topic.I usually visit Flickr to search for image to refresh my desktop and I think many people here do the same thing,too.
But,the problem comes when you want to download a large number Flickr’s picture! It will takes a lot of time because Flickr just allow you to save one image to your PC at a time.That’s when Downloadr come in!

This super-tiny tool (400kb) lets you search image stored on Flickr server and download all of them in a snap.It’s a portable tool so you don’t need to install anything.

Downloadr gives you many search options like search for tags,user,fulltext or even place.As you can see from the picture,Downloadr will display the result on the right side.To download those pic,all you need to do is hold Ctrl and click on those pics,then hit the “Download selected” button ( It works just like windows explorer,right? )

Want to get more result? Hit “Search more” button.By default,Downloadr will display 50 pics at a time.But,you can change it to 250 to get more result without hitting the “Search more” button.To do it,head to Extras-->Settings.

Beside its main job: search and download pictures.Downloadr comes with a backup tool which allow you to backup your Flickr account.I think this tiny very is so usefull for Flicker.
To backup your account,you need to provide downloadr your acc details ( don’t worry,it’s safe,they don’t sell your information ).
First,head to ExtrasàAuthenticate.Then,it will lauch your browser and guide you to flickr sign in page.After you sign in,click on “OK,I’ll allow it” when you see “downloadr wants to link to your Flickr account”.That’s it!

Now,to do the backup,go to Extras-->Complete Backup and wait for downloadr to search for your acc’s pics.When it finished,click Backup now to backup.

If your acc has many pics,you may see that Downloadr will not respond.But don’t worry,it’s still working so don’t end its task.

This tiny one required .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to run.Head over here to get it

Or,download Downloadr here


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