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How to delete locked files and folders

Are you facing these problems with your computer: You try to delete a file or a folder but when you hit the delete button,a window appear and says:
-Cannot delete file: Access is denied.
-Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
-The source or destination file may be in use.
-The file is in use by another program or user.

If you sure that it's a virus.You can use to FileASSASSIN delete it.

FileASSASSIN is an application that can delete any type of locked files that are on your computer. Whether the files are from a malware infection or just a particular file that will not delete - FileASSASSIN can remove it. The program uses advanced programming techniques to unload modules, close remote handles, and terminate processes to remove the particular locked file.

How to use?

Start FileASSASSIN and select a file by dragging it onto the text area or select it using the (...) button. Next, select a removal method from the list. Finally, click Execute and the removal process will commence.

Download it here

Or spanish ver here

Portable ver here


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