Hi guys! This site is old.I had moved to a new blog.Check out tipztv.blogspot.com for the latest tips


Site news

Dear readers

I'm currently working on my new blog and the process is good.
With the re-lauch,i plan to give my readers some intersting project so stay tune.
My new tipload.blogspot.com maybe will be available next week.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Le Hoang
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plan to move to a new blog

Dear readers
I'm planning to move to a new blog.but now,i'm very busy with studying so i will build that blog next week.
I has choose a new adress for my site: tipload.blogspot.com.
But at this time,that blog has nothing.i will build it as soon as possible.i promise
Le hoang
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Lock exe files with kaka exelock

If you share your computer with others ( like roommate or your family members...) you may have a few programs that you don't want others to use.Kaka exelock is a perfect software for this situation.
It allows you to password protect executables, so that only those who know the password will be able to run the programs.

This is a very easy to use program as you can see from the picture above.
First,you need to choose your exe file.And then,type the password twice at the password option.
Then hit Protect to lock it.

This is a freeware tool.You can get it here ( it's very tiny,only 190KB)
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Auto compress pictures when you attach them to send

You want to send pictures ( which were taken from your 10-megapixel camera ) to your friends via email or IM client? You know it will take a lot of time,right? So don't wait for the upload process to complete! Use this small tool and send those pics with smaller file size ( without losing your original pics and its quality)

Shrink Pic allows you to send dozens of photos as email attachments - quickly and with no effort at all!
All you need to do is install Shrink Pic. It automatically detects when you're sending large photo files and compresses them in the background.
There's no setup, no operating instructions, nothing, nada. Just send your photos normally and Shrink Pic takes care of shrinking them.
This is how it works;
When Shrink pic is running in your system tray.it will detects and creates a copy ( with smaller size but with the same quality) of your photos automatically and send them instead.
When it works,it will display a warning like this:

Your original photos don't change a bit so you don't need to worry :)
Beside,you can select the compress level of your pics in Shrink pic's UI.
It works great with these software (i think that's enough)

Get it free here ( you will be shown a demo when you installed this software)
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Convert your powerpoint files into video

Want to share your powerpoint files on youtube? You know you can't upload a .ppt file to youtube :P but you can convert your files into video and upload them.It's very easy with Leawo PowerPoint to Video.

This is a wonderful conversion program that assists in converting your PowerPoint presentation to quality video for uploading to video hosting websites like YouTube and playing on portable devices like iPhone, while retaining all the animations, transitions, sounds, webcam videos and internal hyperlinks in source PowerPoint.

This is a very-easy to use application ( the program has a complete guide for user on its main menu :)
You can try it here (trail version.If you like it.Please purchase it! )
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Share up to 2GB of files over internet with WeTransfer

WeTransfer lets you share up to 2GB with your friend.Its user interface is very easy to use  as you can see the pic below (there are the rotating background images too which add some visual attraction to an otherwise tasteless user interface)
This service requires no registration and there are no charges as well
You can add many files as you can ( but total file size must be under 2GB).
First,you need to choose your files ( of course)
Then provide the service your friend's and your email ( they will email you if your friend have downloaded the files)
You can type a massage to your friend to (this is optional)

When done,hit Transfer to send all of your files.Really simple right?

Head over here to use this great service
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How to change drive's icon in windows 7

SevenDriveIconChanger is a tiny software that will let you change your drive icon in windows 7 into your image ( with .icon extension)
It's really easy to use :)
All you have to do is choose the icon file.Select the drive and hit Change icon!

You can get many beautiful icon files from deviantart :) ( i recommend this site to you)

Get it here
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Hide your files within other files with OmhiHide

OmhiHide PRO is a powerful data-hiding utility that allows you to hide files within other files like music/image or video files. The output files can be used or shared like a normal file would be without anyone ever knowing of the file hidden within it.

That way, your data totally stays safe from prying eyes you want to hide it from. It also features a password based protection system.

Make sure that you have .NET framework 2.0 installed on your system.Get it here

Get OmhiHide here
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Show me whats wrong?? Help other fix their PC via screencast

One day,your friend call you to ask you about a problem that happens with his computer.But you don't have any idea what he's talking about? So why don't you ask your friend to record and send you a screencast so you will be easier to fix the problem??
Here's how Show me whats wrong works ( check out the demo first! )

-First enter your name and email, then click the 'generate' button
-Showmewhatswrong then generate a link for you to share with the person with the problem
-When they'll click on the link it will start recording (up to 5min video)
-After they'll finish their screencast, it will directly send a video link with a playback page back to you.

This is a service powered by screen-o-matic
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How to delete locked files and folders

Are you facing these problems with your computer: You try to delete a file or a folder but when you hit the delete button,a window appear and says:
-Cannot delete file: Access is denied.
-Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
-The source or destination file may be in use.
-The file is in use by another program or user.

If you sure that it's a virus.You can use to FileASSASSIN delete it.

FileASSASSIN is an application that can delete any type of locked files that are on your computer. Whether the files are from a malware infection or just a particular file that will not delete - FileASSASSIN can remove it. The program uses advanced programming techniques to unload modules, close remote handles, and terminate processes to remove the particular locked file.

How to use?

Start FileASSASSIN and select a file by dragging it onto the text area or select it using the (...) button. Next, select a removal method from the list. Finally, click Execute and the removal process will commence.

Download it here

Or spanish ver here

Portable ver here
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How to recover unsaved word documents

How many times you accidently hit the close button without saving your important word documents??? That's disaster,right?

But don't you know that microsoft word does a backup of your docs every 10 minutes ( unless you change this options)

So,here is the solution:

Word 03: You can head to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Word or C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp then change "Arrange icons by" to "Modified" and open the lastest files,you will get what you (think you have) lost. (you will need to change folder options to show hidden files and folders first)

In Word 07: It's easier if you are using word 07 because it will automatic recover your doc once you open it again.

Make sure that you will never face this situation again :P
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41 extremely beautiful wallpapers for valentine's day

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