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2 great tools to search the web without...searching

These tools are great for people who want to search for the website that contain similar topic with their interesting site.

1: Similar web

This is a great firefox add-on.i use it every day and i highly recommend it to you too :) Just like its tittle.This add-on take a place on your firefox sidebar.Every time you visit a website,Similar web will display all the related content to this site (including websites,buzz and even articles of this blog) Great,right?

2: Similar site:

This one is a firefox add-on too.It works like Similar web but sometimes it can display different results compare to similar web's result.Because Similar Site takes place on your firefox toolbar so you can use 2 tools at the same time for more great results.

If you don't want to install this add-on,you can still stry it on the webversion at: http://www.similarsites.com/


lovelygrape said...

Try www.similar-site.com

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