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Clickmeter: How many REAL clicks on your link?

Yo.i'm using bit.ly to generate short link.Bit.ly also has a tracking system but i found it sucks :( their system report that the link i have shared has over 100 clicks but when i check my site statitics,the pageviews has no change$@!!! So,what does the bit.ly's system tracking for???? (sorry for my bad english,i'm not a native speaker and i'm just a student and i find it hard to express my idea sometimes ^^! hope you can understand what i mean)

So i have just found this great and professional one.

Clickmeter: this is an essential tool to track results from the small blog to a full-fledged marketing campaign: versatile, scalable and easy to use

You can find its main feature here:

Campaigns Comparison Charts

Monitor your overall performance over a customizable time-frame through detailed charts; make comparisons of traffic volume and click-fraud reliability among different marketing campaigns.

Click distribution on World Map

View where all your traffic originates on a navigable world map: monitor all your clicks or just group for specific campaigns with click-fraud statistics and geographical density at a glance.

Real-time click stream

Track all the clicks, real-time, through a detailed self-updating report. Filter for campaign and get details over the link used: the user's browser; system; country and much more in a single screen.

Click-Fraud Detection

Enjoy reliable real-time statistics over suspect click-fraud activity: filter per campaign; customize fraud-detection parameters and compare results for multiple campaigns in a single chart.

Main feature for FREE user:
  • Unlimited tracking-links
  • No expiration for tracking-links
  • Click-fraud detection
  • Real-time charts
  • Click distribution on world map
  • Private analytics (password protected access to your stats data)
  • Cumulative tracking-links analysis with a single account
  • Short URL redirection trough our featured short domain 9nl.com
  • Link tagging(customizable URL for search engine optimization)
  • Customizable settings: Time-zone; Date format; Number format
  • Links redirect with a 301 or 307 status code (Moved Permanently or Temporary Redirect) for maximum SEO performance.
  • Social media measurement
  • Favorite links management
  • One-click activation/deactivation for tracking-links
  • Unique/not-unique clicks distribution
  • Link sorting by most clicked, date and alphabetical order
  • Link-tracking duplication tool
  • Scalable service configuration
  • Support via email and telephone
  • Video guides

 Head over here for more


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