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Want to "auto-copy" usb's data to your hard disk when it pluged in?

Hi all

Over the last few day,i have already posted a post with the same topic (find it here).But today,i found this one and i think it works better than that one so i willing to share with you :)

It's AutoUSBcheck.This one is more complicated than the software that i have posted days ago (but still very easy to use).but it just works perfect!! :D

All you have to do is lauch it,hit start and click on "X" button to close it.When a usb is connected to your pc,its content will be copied automatic to your hardrive.
And the most important,AutoUSBCheck do it silently so nobody know.hehe

For free user,you can not change the folder where the contents are copied to ( but it's not important,i think)

If premium user,you can even see the Content / Insertion / Removal logging and you can change many options of this software.

Get it here


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