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Great tool to "auto silent copy" all the USB content to your PC

Hi all :)

I have just found this interesting software that can auto copy all the usb content when it is pluged in your usb port.


Firstly,hit the install button to install it on your computer and click Start to start the program.
You can choose the folder where the copied content will be saved by clicking on Browse.

So,when the program has already started,you can close it (it's still running in background)
You can start copying immediately by pressing Alt+C.If program is not actually copying, it will start copying immediately and the program’s icon  (tray icon) will appear in notification area for 1/2 sec and will hide again. This way you will be notified that the command is accepted. If the program is actually copying, then this command will not be accepted and will not have any effect.

Download this one here :)

Thanks technize for the software


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