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Why bit.ly sucks??

Hi all

As you know that i have just built this new blog.I use bit.ly to generate short links from my post and share it to other people :)
The reason why i use bit.ly is that i see many people on twitter are using this service.So i give it a try :)

I really like bit.ly's user interface.

But i found some problem about this service the last few day.

Yes,i think their tracking system doesn't work well :(
You already know that bit.ly has a tracking system that can give you the clicks summary ( even the location of the visitors and referrers detail).But,as you see the picture below ( it's my real pageview at the moment of this post)

I wonder how do they track my link????

It's all fake,i guess.Bit.ly is not good at this job but they do their mainjob well :))

Because of that prob,i searched for a new site that can track REAL clicks on my links and i found clickmeter.It's a great tool.You can found info about it here ( i posted about it yesterday :)

So If you still wantto track  your shorten link on bit.ly,you can use the tool i gave above :)

Thanks for reading


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